Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Mysteries of the Green Golf Balls

The 0th green golf ball doesn't exist, obviously.

The 1st green golf ball has a "1" on it.

The 2nd green golf ball also has a "1" on it.

The 3rd green golf ball is a metaphor for life.

The 4th green golf ball is blue.

The 5th green golf ball is a recording of all of J. S. Bach's works as played by Bach himself.

The 6th green golf ball is a live cat.

The 7th green golf ball is a dead cat.

The 8th green golf ball is a superposition of the 6th and 7th green golf balls.

The 9th and 10th green golf balls are identical to the 1st, and can be made by cleverly cutting and transforming it.

The 11th green golf ball is all the wonderful things there are.

The 11th green golf ball is all the terrible things there are.

The 12th green golf ball is your first love.

The 13th green golf ball was mislabeled as the 14th because of superstition.

The 14th green golf ball will let you leave the Matrix.

The 15th green golf ball is Truth.

The 16th green golf ball is Untruth.

The 17th green golf ball is a program that, given its own input, will determine whether it will run forever.

The 18th green golf ball is sitting on my shelf.

The 19th green golf ball has infiltrated your life and will soon report back to its alien masters.

The 20th green golf ball is this sentence's period

The 21st green golf ball only exists on Tuesdays and bank holidays.

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